Paid Media Benchmarks for Electronics - July 2024

Data is based on sample of 4000 companies by Varos. For all data in real time, click here.

KPIs on Meta Ads

Meta Ads Summary Table

  • Metrics
  • July 2023
  • YoY % change
  • June 2024
  • MoM % change
  • CPM
  • $7.5
  • 9%
  • $8.5
  • -4%
  • ROAS
  • 3.03
  • -14%
  • 2.67
  • -2%
  • CVR
  • 1.5%
  • -2%
  • 1.7%
  • -14%


  • CPM for Consumer Electronics was $8.1. This is a 14% increase compared to July 2023 and a 4% decrease compared to June 2024.
  • ROAS for Consumer Electronics was 2.62. This is a 12% decrease compared to July 2023 and a 2% decrease compared to June 2024.
  • Conversion Rate (CVR) for Consumer Electronics was 1.5%. This is unchanged compared to July 2023 and a 14% decrease compared to June 2024

Want more stats on the typical CPC range on each ad platform? Click here.

About These Paid Media Benchmarks

Venture into the Electronics industry with our extensive Paid Media Benchmarks for September 2023. Based on a robust dataset from 4000 companies assembled by Varos, this report elucidates key performance indicators for Meta Ads, Google Ads, and TikTok Ads. Get a detailed view of the average CPM across different paid media platforms over the last year, with a special focus on the electronics sector. The report dissects CPM trends by company spend level and average order value (AOV), giving you the tools to maintain competitiveness and optimize your advertising budget.

KPIs on Google Ads

  • Metrics
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Other Industry

Google Ads Summary Table

  • Metrics
  • July 2023
  • YoY % change
  • June 2024
  • MoM % change
  • CPM
  • $13.8
  • -10%
  • $12.8
  • -2%
  • ROAS
  • 3.25
  • -4%
  • 3.47
  • -10%
  • CVR
  • 1.6%
  • 60%
  • 2.40%
  • 7%


  • CPM for Consumer Electronics was $12.5. This es un 10% decrease compared to July 2023 and a 2% decrease compared to June 2024.
  • ROAS for Consumer Electronics was 3.12. This es un 4% decrease compared to July 2023 and a 10% decrease compared to June 2024.
  • Conversion Rate (CVR) for Consumer Electronics was 2.56%. This is a 60% increase compared to July 2023 and a 7% increase compared to June 2024.

Want stats on the typical KPI ranges by subvertical, ad spend level, and AOV? Click here.

KPIs on TikTok Ads

  • Metrics
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Other Industry
  • Conversion Rate
  • 1.7%
  • 3.6%

TikTok Ads Summary Table

  • Metrics
  • June 2023
  • YoY % change
  • May 2024
  • MoM % change
  • CPM
  • $15.5
  • 1%
  • $13.1
  • 20%
  • ROAS
  • 0.57
  • 32%
  • $0.9
  • -13%
  • CVR
  • 3.8%
  • -55%
  • 2.2%
  • -22%


  • CPM for Consumer Electronics was $15.7 in June 2024. That is a 1% increase as compared to June 2023, and a 20% increase as compared to May 2024.
  • ROAS for Consumer Electronics was 0.8 in June 2024. That is a 32% increase as compared to June 2023, and a 13% decrease as compared to May 2024.
  • Conversion Rate (CVR) for Consumer Electronics was 1.7% in June 2024. That is a 55% decrease as compared to June 2023, and a 22% decrease as compared to May 2024.

Want stats on the typical KPI ranges by subvertical, ad spend level, and AOV? Click here.

Last 12 Months Average CPM by Paid Media Platforms

  • Month
  • CPM Meta
  • CPM Google
  • CPM TikTok
  • 6/1/2022
  • $7.6
  • $10.0
  • $18.9
  • 7/1/2022
  • $9.0
  • $8.7
  • $7.4
  • 8/1/2022
  • $7.8
  • $9.4
  • $12.5
  • 9/1/2022
  • $9.0
  • $12.3
  • $13.1
  • 10/1/2022
  • $9.9
  • $9.4
  • $11.4
  • 11/1/2022
  • $9.6
  • $10.6
  • $13.1
  • 12/1/2022
  • $4.8
  • $12.4
  • $8.2
  • 1/1/2023
  • $4.3
  • $7.9
  • $5.3
  • 2/1/2023
  • $7.7
  • $7.5
  • $6.7
  • 3/1/2023
  • $6.8
  • $8.3
  • $3.5
  • 4/1/2023
  • $6.4
  • $8.5
  • $3.7
  • 5/1/2023
  • $7.3
  • $9.8
  • $8.4
  • 6/1/2023
  • $8.6
  • $9.9
  • $7.7
  • 7/1/2023
  • $7.1
  • $11.8
  • $7.5
  • 8/1/2023
  • $6.2
  • $11.0
  • $8.0
  • 9/1/2023
  • $7.9
  • $10.8
  • $8.8
  • 10/1/2023
  • $7.7
  • $11.1
  • $9.3
  • 5/1/2024
  • $9.1
  • $10.5
  • $13.1
  • 6/1/2024
  • $8.5
  • $12.8
  • $15.7
  • 7/1/2024
  • $8.1
  • $12.5
  • -

Insights: CPM for Electronics companies have increased 14% in the last 12 months on Meta Ads. CPM for cosmetics companies have increased 17% in the last 12 months on Google Ads. CPM for cosmetics companies have increased 71% in the last 12 months on TikTok Ads.